
Friday 31 July 2015

Edible gardens

Today we went into the edible gardens in our school again. These are some things we did....

Hannah said "I  watered  lots  of  plants. I  also  put  garlic seeds in the soil outside Room 2 and 5".

Willow said "Today  we  put   pea straw  into   room 1,  2, and  5's  barrels and then  we  watered  them.  We did this  to  keep  the  plants  warm.

Thursday 30 July 2015

Sun and shadows

We went outside 4 different times yesterday and traced around our shadows.  We noticed the size and direction of our shadows changed each time. Why?

Thursday 23 July 2015

Room 11 Astronauts!

We have been busy publishing some space writing.  We had to decide on a planet we would like to visit and then write a reason why we wanted to go there. We had to use our reading skills to find a fact  about the planet. We then made some astronaut versions of ourselves to hold our writing! We had lots of fun!

Dog Safety Visit

We had special visitors today!  Carol and her lovely dog Treacle came in to teach us about being safe around dogs. Ask your children about all the things they learnt.

Friday 17 July 2015

Welcome to Term 3!

Room 11 is already to go! We even have our own spaceship, the astronaut  is in there too! See you all on Monday.

Saturday 4 July 2015

Celebrating Room 11's achievements!

Check out all these AMAZING children who have improved in their learning in so many different areas. Miss Z and Mrs Robertson are super proud of you all! Keep up the hard work and effort for the next two terms of school.... But first have a big rest and enjoy your holidays!!