
Thursday 26 February 2015


Wow! We thought this mornings performance of Jack Flash was fantastic!
The actors had great costumes, did lots of exciting songs and told some funny jokes! Here are some movies of the show.....

Here are some of our favourite parts of the show......

 I thought that it was funny. Hayley
I think they must have practised a lot to do that good performance.  Joe
I liked it at the start because Little Jack Horner had a plum stuck on his thumb! Sophia
I liked their costumes. Miriana
It was really entertaining. Jack
I liked the part the part when they sang the golden goose song. Lachlan
I liked the part when the giant fell on his bum and landed in the pile of rubbish. Ari
I liked it when the jumping bean had to stand in the bag of poo!  Brandy
I liked it when he threw the trash over and it kept on landing on people. Hannah
My favourite part was when Jack Horner was talking and he got hit by a rubbish bag.  Piper
It was funny when they put the string around the giant. Alex
I like the part when the goose was trying to fly. Jen
I liked the bit when he got the pie out of the rubbish bin. Leon
I liked it when he took  the recycling out of the bag. Kieran
I liked the jumping bean song. Rhys
It was funny when Jack Flash did the fart! Phillip
I liked the part when he got the bottle out of the rubbish. Ryan

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