
Sunday 29 March 2015

Look who I found.

This cute girl was found at Riverlands School gala. Check out her fab hair!

Friday 27 March 2015


Well done and congratulations to Jack who won a prize in assembly today for colouring and displaying his gala poster.
Enjoy your goodies Jack!

Thursday 26 March 2015

Plums for morning tea!

Thank you to the Shaw Family for the yummy plums! We will share them at morning tea time. Good luck to Mark for his trip to the World Cup final in Melbourne. GO THE BLACK CAPS!!

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Sunday 22 March 2015

Yoga Fridays

During the term we have been enjoying yoga on Friday mornings. Yoga is a great way to stretch our bodies and to practice listening & following instructions. We all really LOVE our yoga sessions.

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Riley's Monarch Butterfly.

Riley found this beautiful Monarch Butterfly at the end of her street when she was out biking. 
We decided to write some descriptions of the butterfly......

A Monarch Butterfly is dark orange and light orange with white spots. It is beautiful with black lines on the wings and it feels soft. 
By Hayley

Monarch butterflies have lots of dots on their wings.  Do not catch a Monarch Butterfly because they are very delicate.   
By Piper

The butterfly is spotty. Butterflies are beautiful because they are colourful.  
By Alexander

The butterfly is smooth and pretty and it has bright orange wings and white spots. They can dance in circles.  
By Jennifer

A butterfly has big wings so it can fly, not fall down, and they have lots and lots of patterns to make it look awesome.  
By Makai

A butterfly has bright orange wings. It glows like fire and it has fragile wings. They have white spots all over them Their wings have black lines all over them.  
By Joe

A butterfly has bright orange on its wings, black stripes and little white spots. It has amazing wings with black lines.  
By Jack

A butterfly is pretty and has fragile wings with white spots.  
By Lachlan

A Monarch Butterfly has dark wings on the top and bright wings as well.  Their wings are smooth. By Hannah

A butterfly is smooth. It is delicate. It has white dots with orange and it is soft.  
By Cayse

The butterfly is amazing when it moves its wings. It is so spotty and colourful.  
By Rhys

A butterfly has spots, they are white. They are orange and they have stripes. They are colourful.  
By Ryan

A butterfly is soft and it is beautiful and cool.  
By Phillip

It is soft and spotty. The butterfly is orange with white spots.   
By Sophia

Today Riley brought a Monarch Butterfly to school. It has some spots and it is black and orange. 
By Charlotte

The butterfly has bright orange wings and white spots on the outside and black around the wings. It is smooth as well.  
By Riley

A Monarch butterfly has lots of beautiful colours. Like light orange. It is fragile.  
By Ari

The butterfly is orange with white spots around the edges of the wings.  
By Kieran

The butterfly is soft and colourful and smooth.  
By Leon

A Monarch Butterfly is smooth and it has white spots and black line and it is dark orange and bright yellow. It is delicate and beautiful.  
By Miriana

A Monarch Butterfly has spots on its wings. They are big. It lives in a tree.   
By Willow

A Monarch Butterfly is smooth and very delicate and fragile. Its wings flap and flap lots and lots. 
By Brandy 

The butterfly has white dots around the outside of the wings. There are black stripes in the middle of the wings. 
By Daniel 

The butterfly is orange, with black around the outside of the wings. It has yellow in the middle of the wings. 
By Nina

Monday 16 March 2015

Yummy peaches for morning tea!

Thank you to Nina's family for the delicious peaches from their garden. We are going to enjoy these at morning tea time.....Mmmmm!

Congratulations to the Anderson Family!!

Wow!! Charlotte has a brand new baby sister, she was
born last night.
Room 11 would like to say a big congratulations to all the family, we can't wait to see Kamryn.

Sunday 15 March 2015

Chocolate Friday

Thank you so much for remembering your chocolate on Friday for next weekends gala. If you forgot it's still ok to bring some in next week. Also we still need lots of donations for prizes. Please make sure these are brand new items.
Any unwanted house items or clothing can be dropped off to Trash & Treasure in Room 4 Monday from 2.30-3.30pm.
Only a week to wait until it's Gala day!!!

Thursday 12 March 2015

Chocolate Friday!

Just a reminder that tomorrow is chocolate Friday, there is a prize for the class that brings the most chocolate donations.  Thanks again for your amazing support for our school gala....

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Constable Sue Visits

Constable Sue came to see us today, she is Police officer who helps in schools. We talked about people who help us and the correct names for body parts. Please remember to talk to your children about this tonight and support them with their Keeping Ourselves Safe booklet which will be in their bookbags.

Saturday 7 March 2015

Our incredible self-portraits.

YAY, we are finally finished our fabulous self-portraits. 
Did you know a self-portrait means a portrait of yourself created by yourself.

We shared our art at assembly on Friday. Lots of our mums and dads came to watch us. We enjoyed sharing our portraits and hope you liked them.
They will now be hung on our class wall so we can admire them everyday!

GALA planting.

On Friday we were lucky enough to have Ari's mum in to do some planting with us.
With her help we planted some micro green seeds in eggshells for the gala. We hope to grow these so that customers can buy them on gala day and take them home to use in their salads.
It was lots of fun planing with Jeni, thank you from Room 11!

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Assembly reminder

Just a wee reminder that we are sharing an item at assembly this Friday. You will need to be in the hall by 2.30 so not to miss it. Hope to see you there.

Name Art!

We have been working hard on our name art and they are finally finished! We used pencil, vivid and dye.....Aren't they amazing?

Gala Donations!

Thank you to those families who have already sent items to school for the gala. We have a box in our room for donations, its a great time to clear out those old toys!!

Miss Z on Camp - Mrs Robertson here!

Kiaora Room 11 Whanau,
Just a note to let you know that I will be on my son's school camp at Resolution Bay from Wednesday this week. Room 11 will be doing lots of learning (and a little bit of fun), with Mrs Robertson.