
Tuesday 17 March 2015

Riley's Monarch Butterfly.

Riley found this beautiful Monarch Butterfly at the end of her street when she was out biking. 
We decided to write some descriptions of the butterfly......

A Monarch Butterfly is dark orange and light orange with white spots. It is beautiful with black lines on the wings and it feels soft. 
By Hayley

Monarch butterflies have lots of dots on their wings.  Do not catch a Monarch Butterfly because they are very delicate.   
By Piper

The butterfly is spotty. Butterflies are beautiful because they are colourful.  
By Alexander

The butterfly is smooth and pretty and it has bright orange wings and white spots. They can dance in circles.  
By Jennifer

A butterfly has big wings so it can fly, not fall down, and they have lots and lots of patterns to make it look awesome.  
By Makai

A butterfly has bright orange wings. It glows like fire and it has fragile wings. They have white spots all over them Their wings have black lines all over them.  
By Joe

A butterfly has bright orange on its wings, black stripes and little white spots. It has amazing wings with black lines.  
By Jack

A butterfly is pretty and has fragile wings with white spots.  
By Lachlan

A Monarch Butterfly has dark wings on the top and bright wings as well.  Their wings are smooth. By Hannah

A butterfly is smooth. It is delicate. It has white dots with orange and it is soft.  
By Cayse

The butterfly is amazing when it moves its wings. It is so spotty and colourful.  
By Rhys

A butterfly has spots, they are white. They are orange and they have stripes. They are colourful.  
By Ryan

A butterfly is soft and it is beautiful and cool.  
By Phillip

It is soft and spotty. The butterfly is orange with white spots.   
By Sophia

Today Riley brought a Monarch Butterfly to school. It has some spots and it is black and orange. 
By Charlotte

The butterfly has bright orange wings and white spots on the outside and black around the wings. It is smooth as well.  
By Riley

A Monarch butterfly has lots of beautiful colours. Like light orange. It is fragile.  
By Ari

The butterfly is orange with white spots around the edges of the wings.  
By Kieran

The butterfly is soft and colourful and smooth.  
By Leon

A Monarch Butterfly is smooth and it has white spots and black line and it is dark orange and bright yellow. It is delicate and beautiful.  
By Miriana

A Monarch Butterfly has spots on its wings. They are big. It lives in a tree.   
By Willow

A Monarch Butterfly is smooth and very delicate and fragile. Its wings flap and flap lots and lots. 
By Brandy 

The butterfly has white dots around the outside of the wings. There are black stripes in the middle of the wings. 
By Daniel 

The butterfly is orange, with black around the outside of the wings. It has yellow in the middle of the wings. 
By Nina


  1. Wow, you are getting so much better at using describing words (adjectives) Room 11. Keep it up! From Mrs Robertson

  2. Cool that looks like a pretty cute monarch butterfly and there is lots of good descriptions
    From Rebekah Anderson
